pituitary and pineal gland function

This gland is made up of three different sections, the anterior lobe, the intermediate lobe, and the posterior lobe (BodyMaps). Structure and Function of the Epiphysis Cerebri Although this function appears to be valid for the enzyme in the pineal gland and retina, the function of the enzyme is not known in those tissues containing low levels of AANAT messenger RNA (mRNA) , especially the pituitary gland (1, 2). 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Should the pineal gland begin to function abnormally, a number of problems may result. The pineal gland is cone-shaped and is located in the middle of your brain behind, and just above, the pituitary gland. Open your right brain. outlined a long time ago these physiological and psychic energy pathways that run through the body as a map we can still use today to better understand ourselves. Mostly we human beings refrain from playing on the nobler and higher strings, and play on the coarse catgut only. Try to love all things, great and small. Tap into an infinite sea of wisdom as you chant or receive the sound of AUM and theta waves. Much is known about the functionality endocrine glands. Why, every one of us loves it! These include pituitary (hypophysis), thyroid and pineal (Fig. 3. Develop deeper Insight and Knowing. None of this applies to the light warriors of the first and the last hour as we have gone through this process years ago, in my case more than 15 years ago, when our left brain portal fully opened and the source energy could freely flow through our bodies and chakras. The lowest of these chakras then can be made one of the noblest by changing its functional direction for creative spirituality. The book concludes with a presentation of hormones of the future, i.e., cell growth factors. This book is intended for use by first-year medical students, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates in the biological sciences. It comes through the spleen, it comes forth from the spleen. Pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain and is attached to hypothalamus by a small stalk, whereas pineal gland is located in the roof of the third ventricle of the brain. Endocrine glands secrete hormonal substances into the body’s bloodstream. , The pineal gland, also known as the pineal body, is a, , Swami Satyananda Saraswati says, “It has also been called ‘. Pineal Gland. It is negatively charged, ends in the left nostril, and has characteristics of coolness related to the Moon. Each one provides the body with various hormones which targets different internal organs. The pituitary gland is located in the brain at the base under the hypothalamus and is the size of a pea (BodyMaps). When the hypothalamus doesn’t function properly, this throws off the functioning of the pituitary gland. The Hypothalamus – Pituitary Link The Hypothalamus plays a central role in linking the nervous to the endocrine system, and in activating the Pineal Gland. The pineal gland functions but slightly in the average man simply because he does not believe there is anything in him of worth except the body as a unitary whole. So how can you learn to amplify your pineal gland to live a better life? The third ventricle of the brain is a narrow opening lying near the base of the cerebral hemispheres, and separating the two thalamic areas. As long as the pineal gland is healthy, the functions of the pituitary are controlled. You will get intuition, you will see, you will know; and when that can be kept up continuously so that it becomes your life, habitual to you, then the time will come for you to become a glorious Buddha, a man made perfect. This book is the first to review the effect of melatonin in sleep disorders, its possible use as an immunoregulatory agent and clinical results obtained in cancer immunotherapy. The greatest advantage of this message is that it explains the expansion of human awareness in the context of the activation of the pituitary and pineal gland and that of the adjacent brain organs such as the third ventricle and the thalamus from a higher vantage point of view, which you will never find in traditional medicine and bio-science textbooks. It is nearly surrounded by bone as it rests in the sella turcica, a depression in the sphenoid bone.The gland is connected to the hypothalamus of the brain by a slender stalk called the infundibulum.. Believe that you have a heart. Exercise Regularly. However, in most of us, the pineal gland started to degenerate when we reached the age of eight, nine or ten. Krystal Waters is also known in the eastern philosophy as Amrita, and is a fluid that can flow from the pineal and pituitary gland when in correct relationship in the brain, in deep states of activated kundalini or meditation. It is marvelously constructed. It is a reddish-gray color and is primarily made up of pineal cells and neuroglia cells. In … If total darkness is not regularly possible, try a sensory deprivation tank. Some lower vertebrates have a well-developed eye-like structure that acts as a light receptor. Common symptoms of pituitary disorders include loss of vision, fatigue, weakness, headaches, nausea, sexual dysfunction, or weight gain or loss. In this context I want to warn you one more time to avoid any false interpretations of the term “kundalini energy” which is completely distorted in the esoteric literature. The pituitary and pineal gland share functions and are close to each other, however, the latter is the one that has always aroused the greatest interest from a mystical and spiritual point of view, perhaps for its tree shape, perhaps for its tree shape. Forits Strange paradox! Hence I think that this is an important contribution of Sue to our better understanding of what is currently happening with our 18 bodies in the process of their rapid transfiguration and step-wise ascension to 5D1 New Lemuria. The pineal gland secretes and produces it as well. This book is devoted to a wholly biological approach to the problem of schizophrenia, in the hope that many more workers will enter this exciting field of research. For instance, be just, be gentle, be forgiving, be compassionate and pitiful. When a man or a woman has an intuition, or an inspiration, or a sudden flash of understanding, the pineal gland begins to vibrate still more strongly, albeit softly, gently. I will publish St. Germain’s message as soon as Carla has typed it. First, the pituitary gland is responsible for activating adolescence and the beginning of sexuality, and the pineal gland checks the pituitary gland to prevent premature sexual awakening. Learn the wondrous beauty of self-sacrifice for others; there is something grandly heroic about it. Therefore, a cleansing diet rich in super-greens like spirulina and chlorophyll will be very beneficial for keeping the pineal gland active through the detoxification process and nutrients they provide. What is the function of the hypothalamus? There is the physiology of it. It is surprisingly precise in terms of anatomy and physiology and also fully coalesces with my interpretation of the biological regulation of the human body in the General Theory of the Universal Law. The pituitary gland secretes nine hormones while the pineal gland secretes only one hormone. The pituitary gland is the lieutenant of the pineal. That being said, one should be very careful not to mix the “rise (activation) of kundalini energies” as the motor of the LBP, while interpreting them as a kind of sexual energy coming from the lower two chakras as many esotericists erroneously do. The ancient yogis who wrote The Vedas in India between 1500-500 B.C. With the Higher Light Flowing through your life, reality becomes a series of “Windows of Opportunity” that present themselves as choices. Believe that you have intuition. You can envision this color in your mind’s eye at the space between your brows or even deep back into the brain where the pineal gland resides. With the opening of your Third Eye, the Flow of multidimensional light will provide you with a higher dimensional structure. When Goddess Shakti is awakened, She sweeps us up in Her tremendous passion to reunite with Her Lord Shiva in the crown chakra. He came to Carla to outline a full program for Carla and myself what themes we should first address when we ascend this summer. You can repeat this several times in one session. In order to gain your highest spiritual potential while incarnated in a physical form, the great mass of Kundalini energy locked in the root chakra must be released to travel up to your crown chakra. Hence the chakras as regards specific allocations to organs, are surrounded in the exoteric literature with mystery and uncertainty. The human brain has a fundamental resemblance to a human, androgynous embryo. This Mystical Marriage initiates the birth of your multidimensional consciousness, and your conscious passage into the fifth dimension and beyond. As you look into your own eyes, have an honest discussion with your own self. (B) Organs containing both endocrine and exocrine functions. The pituitary gland is a gland that acts as a master gland, controlling many of the hormonal functions in the body. Heighten your Intuition. Perhaps the most common name for this chakra is “the third eye”, and the mystical traditions of every age and culture make abundant references to it. Pituitary gland: The pituitary gland is a small pea-sized gland that plays a major role in regulating vital body functions and general wellbeing. The pineal gland is involved in several functions of the body including: 1. I sometimes think that there is a divine quality in a human soul which is called hero-worship — not The pituitary gland is a part of your endocrine system. This Mystical Marriage symbolizes the combining of the male and female energies within your bodies, and the awakening of your multidimensional consciousness. We are protected as it were against our own foolishness. Other functions performed by the pineal gland are sexual development, regulation of melatonin secretion, conversion of nervous system signals into endocrine signals, immune functions and acts as an antioxidant. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxy-tryptamine), a principal product of the pineal gland, is produced mainly during the dark phase of the circadian cycle. PITUITARY, PINEAL AND THIRD VENTRICLE TUMOURS By JOE PENNYIIACKER, M.D., F.R.C.S. The Ida and the Pingala represent the masculine and feminine energies, which you all carry regardless of your gender. Pregnancy also causes this gland to grow significantly in size.1 Similarly, the pituitary gland is larger during pube… If your mind wanders, bring it back so that you become a witness to your breath. The Pituitary gland, also known as the hypophysis, is a pea-sized endocrine gland situated at the base of our brain. Aging As people age, the pineal gland tends to … Hypophysis or the pituitary gland of human is small pea-shaped gland weighing about 0.5 gm which makes up 80 percent of the gland's overall weight. However, now that it has been proven that melatonin is in part regulated by the pineal gland, it does lend credibility to the fact that, Symbolically, the third eye represents union on the path to, Using this powerful center can teach you to, There is research to support the fact that, According to ancient yogic philosophy, specific gazing techniques such as Trataka meditation can increase third eye activation. A woman's ovaries are located on both sides of the uterus, below the opening of the fallopian … Almost all animals have a pineal gland and its role remained a mystery for a long time. There are also elements that are even new to me, but fully fit into the bigger picture. Three glands of critical importance to the body, the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands, are all located in the brain. The pineal gland is composed of pinealocytes and supporting cells that resemble the astrocytes present in the brain. Understand the endocrine role of the placenta during development. We live in the world below the human diaphragm as it were. Even in another sense, I believe today medical research has discovered that gigantism is due to an unwonted activity and growth of the pituitary. function, activity, purpose, and work in the human frame. The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland shaped like a pine cone, located in the vertebrate brain near the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The Window that you attend to, or ignore, will be the reality that you enter, or deny. The main function of the pineal gland is to synthesize and secrete the hormone melatonin. In fact, this process must begin with your self, for how can you share what you do not possess. This is just one aspect. You may be asking, well, what is the pineal gland? What is the function of the hypothalamus? The pituitary gland is involved in several functions of the body including: Growth hormone production. And strangely enough, they are as it were paired: the heart and the brain; the pineal and the pituitary; the liver and spleen again a pair; the pair of the lowest couple, as a matter of fact, is the solar plexus — but this is a story by itself. I am discussing this topic one more time here, as Carla has received yesterday a very powerful message from St. Germain, who was very much frustrated by the total intellectual failure of the light workers community since he began to disseminate his teachings in the 30s in the USA. The pituitary gland sits at back of the brain, directly behind the nose between optic nerves. This pea-sized gland rests in a small pocket of bone called the pituitary fossa, and dangles from a thin thread connected to the hypothalamus, a minute part of the brain responsible for controlling numerous bodily functions. Strictly speaking, the chakras are the astral organs or functions which have never yet been properly placed, exoterically at least, or openly, as connected with specific physical organs in the human frame. This is probably the best message she has received so far. How many men remember the holiness of spiritual creation, so to say? Why, as a matter of fact, this body of ours is one of the marvels of the universe. I will speak of seven organs or glands in the human frame, beginning with the lowest (which can be the highest). It is also very important to stress the key fact that the opening of the pituitary and the pineal gland, as described by the Arcturians in this message, precedes the opening of the left brain portal and is at the beginning of the LBP. When the pituitary and pineal glands are fully developed and stimulated through meditation on the sixth and seventh chakras, their vibrations fuse and activate the Third Eye. Many artists have a dominant second chakra and expressed sexuality. The liver, as stated, is the seat of the personal man, and the spleen is its lieutenant or adjutant. It is the organ of will and hence also of automatic growth. You all have Kundalini energy running through your bodies, or you would not be able to live, for it truly is our “life force.” Kundalini is the energy that pervades and enervates the world as you experience it. At this time, we began to lose touch with our spiritual heritage. Start studying Pituitary, Pineal, & Adrenals. This may, in turn, affect the body’s ability to regulate melatonin and its circadian rhythm. You will manifest the Immanent Christ within you, you will imbody it. The anatomic illustrations have been added by myself: In between your third-dimensional reality and your multidimensional reality is a portal. The most common way to practice Trataka is by candle gazing, or gazing at the flame of a candle without blinking for 1-3 minutes. But the strings of this wondrously constructed physical human frame, the body, run from the coarsest catgut to the silver, the gold, and finally to the intangible strings of the spirit; and the master plays on these strings with masterly sweep of will, the master-hand, when we allow it. Among the most notable of these is that there is variation in size between men and women, with these being somewhat larger in the latter. Melatonin is then used to perform three main roles: maintain the circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle) 2 regulate the onset of puberty in females 3; help protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals 4,5; When the pineal gland is not producing melatonin or not enough of it, the body … Therefore, you must first begin, continue, and/or escalate your own process. It then lost its function as an organ of physical vision, but has never ceased to continue its functions even now as an organ of spiritual sight and insight. These various energies function through the different organs of the brain, some of them arising in the heart and reaching the brain, each such energy through its own appropriate organ or gland, or what not. Dementia, mental illness, epilepsy, concussions, developmental problems in childhood, and the aftereffects of childbirth are a few of the conditions associated with strains on the nervous system. As a result of this oversight role, the pituitary gland also affects a few critcial body systems like blood pressure, energy level, metabolism, sexual maturation, growth reproduction and more. As you compare these differing structures of reality, you will realize that the structure of illusion is static and unwavering. The liver is the seat of the personal man, the kama-manasic individual; and the spleen, the "lieutenant" of the former, is the seat of the astral body, the linga-sarira; and even at seances today — which I would not advise anyone to frequent unless he goes there knowing more than the average man does — even they have shown how the astral body of the medium oozes out, first as a slender thread, and then becomes, when the manifestation is genuine, what is now called "ectoplasm," really thickened astral stuff. 25, D-5300 Bonn 1, F.R.G. According to ancient yogic philosophy, specific gazing techniques such as Trataka meditation can increase third eye activation. Develop deeper Insight and Knowing. Therefore, a cleansing, You find deeper meaning in the events that occur in your life, You understand that physical reality is a manifestation of duality, and your soul seeks to be liberated from this duality, You never feel alone, but instead feel connected to all things, animate and inanimate, You feel the vibration and rhythm of everything around you, Your senses are heightened (touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight), You begin to see and feel your own energy body and others as well, Negative emotions such as anger, greed, envy, and lust begin to disappear. However, you ALL posses the inner enlightenment of which we have spoken. There is research to support the fact that people who meditate have higher concentrations of melatonin than those who do not meditate. This message is essentially dedicated to the second wave of ascension candidates, who have just opened their heart chakra – after our initiation of these people in October 2014 at the Radiant Rose Academy in Vancouver –  and are now beginning to truly activate their pituitary and pineal gland, also defined in a more profane manner as the “opening of the third eye” as also mentioned in this message. Can you BELIEVE that you have opened your Third Eye? Describe the relationship between the pituitary and hypothalamus. New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind – Serial 7. Increase your psychic abilities. Author information: (1)AFRC Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research, Cambridge Research Station, Babraham, Hall, UK. Moreover, the pineal gland also seems to regulate the pituitary gland. Once you have allowed the higher light quotient into your brain by maintaining a higher state of consciousness, your pituitary gland of the sixth chakra and the pineal gland of the seventh chakra merge to open your Third Eye. The Mystical Marriage occurs when our Kundalini force awakens and rises up your spine. Posterior Pituitary Hormones The primary function of the posterior pituitary is the transmission of hormones originating from neurons located in hypothalamic brain regions such as the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) … This is the function of the brain as a whole. The adrenergic nerves entering the pineal gland regulate its functions. ). It is the organ of will and urge and growth and impulse; but when the pineal sets the pituitary vibrating in synchrony with its own vibration, you have a god-man, for there is the intellect envisaging infinity, the divinity in the heart speaking and vibrating synchronously with the pineal gland, which sees infinity. And one must be very careful in this respect, as there is so much trash written on these two glands, known also as “the third eye” in the anti-scientific New Age literature, that I would recommend you to forget everything you have read or heard so far on this topic and consider only my explanation on the LBP and the seven chakras with their adjacent organs in my book  “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” and in my articles on the LBP: 2. Or receive the sound of AUM and theta waves to Carla to a. Little more wisdom knowing they ’ re more able to see life through love instead of ”! And to flourish the signal from the solar plexus upwards ; and that wonderful pineal gland was one of marvels! Perceive the calm realizations of your pineal and the kidneys Windows of Opportunity pituitary and pineal gland function that present themselves choices... Fishes, it is portrayed as a light receptor s start amplifying power... 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