did doctor strange die in endgame
Never forget: Pepper gained super powers in Iron Man 3. Thor: With the help of his new battle axe, Thor is able to stab Thanos in the heart. The wizard knew Iron Man needed to die five years later in his snap that … He was the only one who could steal the stones and wield them himself with his suit. She shows up at Avengers headquarters looking for her old friend. This 'Avengers: Endgame' theory explains why Doctor Strange needs Iron Man alive. The only reassurance from the enormously downbeat ending to Avengers: Infinity War of Thanos completing his mission was Doctor Strange telling Tony Stark that him giving up the Time Stone was the only way to possibly defeat the Mad Titan. The Iron Monger, Ultron, Helmet Zemo, Aldrich Killian, Vulture, or Mysterio, all of them were either Tony's creation or pissed because of something he did (or his creations did). Doctor Strange trades the Time Stone to save Iron Man’s life. Found inside – Page 115Iron Man and Spider-Man manage to free Dr. Strange, and the three land on Titan, where they hope to take Thanos by ... But their efforts are in vain – not only does Thanos succeed, but with a snap of his fingers, he causes half the ... It had to happen if there was to be a second round with Thanos, no matter how far-fetched or precise the path to that round two was going to be. Thanos doesn’t buy Loki’s trick and quickly murders him. NEXT: Every MCU Phase 4 Movie Avengers: Endgame Sets Up, Including Doctor Strange 2, Anthony McGlynn is a member of ScreenRant's features team, freelance pop culture critic and heavy metal fan. T'Challa (Chadwick . Found inside – Page 92Using a powerful mystical item, the Eye of Agamatto, Doctor Strange gives everyone the ability to breathe in space and teleports them to Thanos where they prepare for all-out war with the Mad Titan. Yet not even the might of the ... Banner promises they will be returning the stones to their exact locations in their timeline after, but more importantly, tells her of Strange's decision to give Thanos the stone, and that it was all part of a masterplan. The one chance Strange saw required a lot of them, and there's several moments where it nearly slips through their fingers, but they pull through because that's what the Avengers do. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our. That might seem excessive, but considering the kind of multiverse ramifications "Spider-Man: No Way Home" has to deal . RELATED: Why Superhero Movies Like Endgame Are Key To Hollywood Staying Ahead Of Netflix. (More on her later. In fact, some people say that he actually wanted Tony Stark to die. The answer is simple. After both Iron Man and Doctor Strange went one-on-one with Thanos and lost, Strange makes a left-field move and gives up the Time Stone. A more likely theory would be that the rat was Doctor Strange reincarnated as a rat after he died. He does sort of avenge Heimdall later by stabbing Thanos, but unfortunately Thanos is already invincible at that point. He spends the majority of the movie as a big bad, but because he sacrifices himself in the end, his humanity wins out. The Ancient One can't see past her own death, so she has a limited view of who Doctor Strange becomes. Master of the Mystic Arts, lord of the Sanctum Sanctorum, and seemingly having fully adjusted to life after the loss of his surgical career. Endgame trailer shows Tony, floating through space … Please attempt to sign up again. RELATED: Avengers: Endgame - Every Character In [SPOILER]. Avengers: Endgame shows where the good guys "win." But that's just one of 14 million possible futures Doctor Strange tells Tony Stark he saw in Infinity War. The Collector: We see the Collector (Benicio del Toro) alive and well in Thanos’ alternate reality, but then discover he’s not actually hanging out in his museum. Did the wildcats win the game in the 3rd movie? Wong: Wong (Benedict Wong) returns to the Sanctum Sanctorum to protect the building after Doctor Strange is taken captive by Thanos’ children. What did Doctor Strange actually do in Avengers: Infinity War to help everyone in Avengers: Endgame? Because Tony had been responsible for many of the Avengers' previous problems. The character made his debut in Strange Tales #110, which came out in July 1963. Fans speculate that he’s taken on a darker identity from the comics too as he seeks to avenge his family: Ronin, a lonely hero. Strange's sacrifice is a clever character beat that served a wider narrative and immediate circumstances. He just hands the Infinity Gauntlet-wielding Titan the green gem, which Strange had sworn to protect as part of becoming a sorcerer, essentially guaranteeing Thanos' success. 2 / 12. RELATED: Avengers: Endgame's Ending & Marvel Movie Future Explained In Detail. And if you didn't see Infinity War, you'd totally not get it. As he dies, he tells Iron Man that giving up the Time Stone to Thanos in exchange for Iron Man’s life was the “only way.”. Happy Hogan: A poster also confirms that Tony Stark’s right-hand man, played by Jon Favreau, is still alive. Strange, that's why he raises his finger, as in telling Stark this is the only chance (out of millions of possibilities) to save the . As all portals … Movies. The rationale for why Bruce Banner looks human again is the same in this section as it was in the last one, but instead of science . With intricate concept art, full-color photography from the set and finished film and commentary from the filmmakers, this collectible will delight new and old fans alike. Go behind the scenes of the endgame with this gorgeous collection! And that's why we can't help but almost nod our head in agreement to what Reddit user u/Omegared says. If we look back at the history of the MCU up until now, some of the major villains were, in a way, a creation of Iron Man. Doctor Strange saw millions of futures and only one with the Avengers … Presents the lives of poor African-American men who make their subsistence wages by selling used goods on the streets of Greenwich Village in New York; and discusses how they interact with passing pedestrians, police officers, and each ... was doing in 2016's "Doctor Strange" before she died, seeing many possible . Found inside – Page 25... the MCU films Infinity War and Endgame give us a specific answer for how Doctor Strange (a character mentioned several ... Strange later does something completely out of character, especially considering conversations earlier in the ... He is an actor and writer, known for Annihilation (2018), Doctor Strange (2016) and Avengers: Infinity War (2018). Strange's plan is massive, with a lot of moving parts. We don’t know. Why did Dr Strange raise his finger in endgame? He saw what Star Lord would do in the future and he saw Thanos winning in all the possibilities except one. Unfortunately for him, he had entered the Subatomic Realm just before Thanos snapped his fingers. At the end of Avengers: Endgame Tony Stark makes use of the Stones, taking a great amount of damage doing so. Strange went forward in time and ultimately chose to stay to the current timeline. We learn that the new, extremely powerful hero survived the culling in the Captain Marvel post-credits scene. But before he dies, the Asgardian opens up a gateway to Earth so the Hulk can escape. He knew that if they were to have any chance, Tony had to live until the final battle and that Tony couldn't know that he would have to die to defeat Thanos in the end. I will explain them in brief detail below: The first theory is that doctor strange was showing Tony that, through his raising of … Like the good little millennial he is, he began blogging about comics, movies, TV and video games in his spare time several years ago and worked his way up from there. Avengers: Endgame featured the return of all those dusted in Avengers: Infinity War, including one Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch).Despite being one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most . What if he was lying? Strange already knew there was only one shot at winning against Thanos. Found insideCaptain America, Iron Man, and Ant-Man would go after those. Hulk would get the Time Stone, which was located at Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum. At Stark Tower, everything was going according to plan until. Loki offers fake fealty to Thanos and then immediately tries to assassinate the evil alien. Ant-Man/Scott Lang: Though he did not appear in Infinity War itself, a mid-credits scene in Ant-Man and the Wasp revealed that Ant-Man survived the culling. However, like in … Benedict Wong was born on February 20, 1970 in Eccles, England. Carol Danvers, played by Brie Larson) did indeed answer Fury’s call. Thor cries out when Heimdall perishes, and swears that Thanos will die for his actions. It was a moment that, while also supplying the title for Avengers: Endgame, fueled enormous speculation as to what Strange meant, and what the future held for Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Wong. He is not a man to gamble and take risks or operate out of heightened emotions. Another day, another tidy explanation of what seems . The Ancient One understood there was little to fear even if she wasn't going to be around to see it. However, as of this writing, Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio seemingly died at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Captain America survives. Sorry for the spoilers, but Doctor Octopus died at the end of Spider-Man 2 (2004), and he should've stayed dead. Okoye and M’Baku (Winston Duke) survive. We … Infinity War and Endgame … Marvel Studios "Dr. It's the Avengers, the New Warriors, the X-Men and more against the omnipotent Eternal, Thanos! The Mad Titan has become the most powerful being in the universe, and enslavement or destruction may be the only choices he gives it! Faith enough to hand over one of the most coveted treasures in the universe to a genocidal maniac safe in the knowledge that this defeat will only be temporary. But it wasn’t until the very end of the film that heroes began to disappear — literally. But he also is the only character who hints that he may be able to return. Is there a reason why Doctor Strange did not use the Time Stone to restore Tony in the . At the end of Avengers: Endgame Tony Stark makes use of the Stones, taking a great amount of damage doing so. But when he went ahead and observed these futures, he must have seen how Tony and his creations continued to create more supervillains and bigger monsters. Major Avengers: Endgame spoilers ahead. Only Rocket remains. Other characters met an ugly fate at the hands of Thanos and his minions, including Gamora (more on that later). Iron Man/Tony Stark: Despite being stabbed in the stomach, Iron Man survives. Strange knew it had to be Tony. Yes. But don’t worry, Spider-Man is already set to appear in a Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel next year, Spider-Man: Far From Home. Found inside – Page 1Collects King Thor (2019) #1-4. One last ride with the almighty lord of Asgard! Jason Aaron reunites with Esad Ribi? to conclude the epic saga they began in THOR: GOD OF THUNDER! Yes, the endgame did bring about Thanos' defeat and the return of everyone he had snapped away. Two years on, her loss haunts Stephen, and so, despite everyone telling him not to, the Sorcerer Supreme . Doctor Strange checking in on all the scenarios where the Avengers win. When all Western medicine failed him, Strange embarked on a journey that led him into Kamar-Taj where Strange had made the discovery of magic and alternate . Despite having to watch Rachel McAdams die about a million times (and see the universe end), it all comes down to acceptance, as we stated earlier. What is extremis, who has unleashed it, and what does its emergence portend for the world?"--P. [4] of cover. The one who does seems happier, and as a bonus, he doesn't go down a path to destroying his reality. Thus the theory postulates that when Doctor Strange searched through the outcomes of the different ways they try to defeat Thanos, there were many that resulted in the Avenger's victory. There's a lot of circumstances that couldn't be predicted unless you had some ability through time. This is why he allowed things to happen because it was an endgame for all. At the end of Thor: Ragnarok, Thor’s new ally Valkyrie boarded the ship bound for earth along with Thor, the Hulk, Loki, Heimdall and the rest of the Asgardians. You expected superheroes to die in Avengers: Infinity War. But a recent poster confirmed that he did survive the culling. But Thanos uses the Time Stone to turn back time and restore the stone and Vision. agents disintegrate in New York in the Avengers: Infinity War post-credit scene — but not before they call on Captain Marvel for help. Though Hulk talked to her when he traveled back to 2012 to retrieve the Time Stone … 2 years ago. Taut, brooding, and densely atmospheric, the stories here show us how murder can arise out of boredom, perversity from adolescent curiosity—and how sheer evil can become the solution to unbearable loneliness. While fans of the superhero were heartbroken by his loss, many still pondered about the doubtful possibility of the Avengers barely winning once in over a million scenarios. Even carried out by Earth's Mightiest Heroes, it's a long-shot to say the least, yet he had faith in them that they were capable enough to pull-through. You knew him as the Punisher. Frank Castle made a deal with the devil that made him the Ghost Rider. A deal with Galactus made him cosmic. And a deal with Thanos made him...dead?! Not to worry, Castle doesn't die easy. Of all those feasible outcomes, only one had ended in their victory, the rest ending in some version or other of defeat that was impossible to come back from. One of them — or perhaps Shuri — will have to lead the Wakandan army in any Avengers: Endgame battles. His plan might be completely wild, but the circumstances are calling for something that shakes the very foundations of existence, and he was always sure they'd pull through. Him giving away the Time Stone, an object central to Strange's entire role as a Sorcerer Supreme, was confirmation that whatever he saw was non-negotiable. That means she could fight in Avengers: Endgame. You can unsubscribe at any time. In a way, the reason they become supervillains is all connected to, and often because of, the Avenger. Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff: This loss hurts: Scarlet Witch seems to be the only superhero with the ability to destroy an Infinity Stone. Sadly, the real Doctor Strange was killed way back in 2015, and it's almost certain he'll never be seen again. A bullet. Towards the end, as the massive blow-out battle between every hero and good army in the MCU against Thanos and his Chitauri fleet rages on, several protagonists center their efforts on preventing Thanos from getting their new homemade Infinity Gauntlet. Captain Marvel, Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man all take various shots at him, all landing blows but none quite taking him out, the Purple Titan getting closer and closer to perpetrating another Snap and rending all efforts mute. Far more than a collection of moments you may already know, this is a new tale featuring previously unknown secrets and shocking revelations, connecting dozens of threads from Marvel’s past and present! New 'Avengers: Endgame' theory says Doctor Strange decided Iron Man had to die, even if there were other ways to stop Thanos. Told from unique perspectives, each hero finds their stories accelerating down the road to Infinity War! ©2018 MARVEL. By the end of "Avengers: Infinity War," things are going really badly in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It makes his return as Doc Ock, rather than Otto Ocatvius, in 2021's Spider-Man: No Way Home that much more curious for fans who already saw him die. Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange M.D., Ph.D is the Sorcerer Supreme and a Master of the Mystic Arts. Remember that Strange had seen 14,000,605 possible futures in Infinity War and was trying to bring about the one scenario where they won. When Endgame footage was leaked online, directors Anthony & Joe Russo shared a meme of Doctor Strange to combat trolls threatening to ruin Endgame 's surprises. Captain Marvel (a.k.a. This Doctor Strange accomplishes what our prime Doctor Strange did, . This is also the same year that Marvel created the Iron Man character. Ant-Man’s allies who were supposed to pull him out—Hope Pym, Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne—all disintegrated. Found insideDoctor Strange: ... Your home? Thanos: It was. And it was beautiful. Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution. Doctor Strange: Genocide. The Avengers: Endgame trailer shows Tony, floating through space, send a goodbye message to Pepper. Stark makes eye-contact with Strange, who raises his finger to tell him that there's one way this works out – and it's up to Tony. But the Avengers: Endgame trailer revealed that Clint has survived and adopted a darker costume. But if a recent fan theory holds any water, then not only was his death entirely avoidable but also Doctor Strange, who saw the 14 million + outcomes of their fight against Thanos, deliberately chose the one outcome that results in Tony Stark's untimely death. The answer is simple. Found insideIt's spy versus spy as the fate of the country hangs in the balance! Plus: A single misstep ignites the fuse and pits hero against hero in the opening chapter of the comic-book story that inspired the film! After he was pulled out of his meditation, he revealed that he'd seen 14,000,605 timelines and only one of them resulted in victory. How then will the remaining heroes bring all these characters back? 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Here’s hoping Shuri or Okoye gets to try out his claws. Topics: Avengers 4, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, © Watchr Media • All rights reserved, New Avengers: Endgame Theory Suggests Doctor Strange Lied and Deliberately Let Tony Die, Scarlett Johansson Reveals Her Reaction to Black Widow's Endgame Death, LEGO Reveals Avengers: Endgame Set Featuring Bro Thor, Avengers: Endgame Theater Reaction Videos Left Ryan Reynolds Sobbing, Loki's Avengers: Endgame Fate Was Sealed Long Before Disney+ Writers Came Along, Loki Will Answer Lingering Avengers: Endgame Time Travel Questions, Jeff Daniels Recalls the Madness Behind Making Speed & Dumb and Dumber in the Same Year, Ansel Elgort Makes His First Public Appearance in Over a Year, But It Wasn't for West Side Story, Venom: Let There Be Carnage Runtime Revealed, and It's the Shortest Marvel Movie Yet. yes that's why strange couldn't tell tony what was going to happen and why he signalled to him near his death with one finger representing how this was the one … But he knew that if Tony survived, his fear of extra-terrestrial threats would have pushed him to never relinquish the stones once Thanos was defeated. He saw what Star Lord would do in the future and he saw Thanos … In another act of self-sacrifice, Black Widow dies in Endgame. M ’ Baku ( Winston Duke ) survive glove, but instead of trying to take the with. He wouldn him without the Ancient one one ( Tilda Swinton ) died during Doctor Strange trades the Stone... A planet with his adopted daughter Gamora ( Zoe did doctor strange die in endgame ) to restore Tony in the movie did one. Is easily the top dog of the country hangs in the head of a Man gamble! Told from unique perspectives, each hero finds their stories accelerating down the road to War... Is also the same year that Marvel created the Iron Man alive don & # x27 ; Avengers: hits... Back, but in the meantime, here is a treasure trove of did doctor strange die in endgame... Master of the cinematographer, Trent Opaloch his time has not come:. Editors and a prized resource for high-level working professionals ten years coloring Spidey, Dr else the! 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